

About OpenEd

OpenEd is the largest K-12 educational resource library, offering over a million lesson plans, assessments, videos, and games for every Common Core Math, Language Arts, Literacy and Next Generation Science standard (in addition to other state and international standards).

OpenEd now also offers premium assessment content from Pearson, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and other leading educational publishers.

Assessments and Analytics

OpenEd also offers a “modern” (Common Core, SBAC and PARCC-oriented) assessment tool. OpenEd’s assessments are “resource-backed”, meaning each question has videos and games associated with it. After a student takes a formative quiz, OpenEd recommends just the right resources for the student to watch or play to gain mastery. This “formative flipped” approach enables universal personalized learning for each student for the first time.

At OpenEd, we believe the key to making personalized education successful is by saving teacher time. The automatic grading and assigning of resources per student in OpenEd is uniquely quick and helpful to teachers.

OpenEd reports student mastery against assessments and standards. Unlike other mastery chart analytics, OpenEd makes recommendations on how students can achieve mastery by using specific resources.

LMS/Lesson Planner

Many teachers start by using OpenEd lesson planner, either for all of their students or for a subset that need different material from the rest of their class. The OpenEd recommendation engine also suggests appropriate resources for each topic in the courses.

Teachers can invite students to view the lessons on their computer or mobile device, via the Common Core Quest app.

Premium Content

The vast majority of the one milllon plus resources on OpenEd are and will continue to be free. OpenEd also offers a $9.95 per month subscription of premium content. The content will be increasing, but currently includes:

  • 50,000+ Pearson Formative Item Bank questions
  • 30,000+ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Riverside Assess2Know® Item Bank questions
  • Higher Learning Technology Item Bank questions


Plan Price Details
Standard Product Free Iincludes over one million aligned items.
Premium $9.95/month First month free. Includes items from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Pearson and others.


Math Teacher
October 11, 2014

As a flipped learning enthusiast, I use many different Tech tools to enhance learning in my classes. Open Ed is beginning to change that, and is fast becoming my go-to flipped classroom resource. The excellent CCSS aligned assessments are backed up by specially selected resources for consolidation, allowing for a personalization and self – directedness in learning that has built a new level of confidence in my students. This is especially evident when they use the ‘brag’ feature in Common Core Quest. As the teacher, you already get detailed Mastery Chart data in real time, but this is an awesome feature of the partner app that allows a student to tell you directly of their achievements by email. It’s so great to see them so engaged in Algebra!
